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EMAG2v3: Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (2-arc-minute resolution)
    fileIdentifier:  gov.noaa.ngdc.mgg.geophysical_models:EMAG2_V3
    hierarchyLevel:  (MD_ScopeCode) dataset
    contact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
        organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
        contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
            address:  (CI_Address)
            onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                name:  NCEI Contact Information
                description:  Information for contacts at NCEI.
                function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
        role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
    dateStamp:  2020-05-14
    metadataStandardName:  ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for Imagery and Gridded Data
    metadataStandardVersion:  ISO 19115-2:2009(E)
return to top
    spatialRepresentationInfo:  (MD_GridSpatialRepresentation)
        numberOfDimensions:  2
        axisDimensionProperties:  (MD_Dimension)
            dimensionName:  (MD_DimensionNameTypeCode) row
            dimensionSize:  10801
              Distance:  .0333
        axisDimensionProperties:  (MD_Dimension)
            dimensionName:  (MD_DimensionNameTypeCode) column
            dimensionSize:  5401
              Distance:  .0333
        cellGeometry:  (MD_CellGeometryCode) area
        transformationParameterAvailability:  true
return to top
    referenceSystemInfo:  (MD_ReferenceSystem)
        referenceSystemIdentifier:  (RS_Identifier)
            authority:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  World Geodetic System 1984
                alternateTitle:  WGS 84
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2007-08-27
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName: (withheld)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  WGS 84
                            description:  GML of World Geodetic System 1984 coordinate reference system.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) resourceProvider
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  European Petroleum Survey Group
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  European Petroleum Survey Group Geodetic Parameter Registry
                            description:  Registry that accesses the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset, which is a structured dataset of Coordinate Reference Systems and Coordinate Transformations.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) search
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) publisher
            code:  urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
return to top
    identificationInfo:  (MD_DataIdentification)
        citation:  (CI_Citation)
            title:  EMAG2v3: Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (2-arc-minute resolution)
            date:  (CI_Date)
                date:  2017-05-30
                dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
            edition:  Version 3
            editionDate:  2017-05-30
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                authority:  (CI_Citation)
                    title:  International DOI Foundation (IDF)
                    date: (inapplicable)
                  Anchor:  DOI doi:10.7289/V5H70CVX
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                authority:  (CI_Citation)
                    title:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                    date: (inapplicable)
                code:  NCEI Metadata ID: gov.noaa.ngdc.mgg.geophysical_models:EMAG2_V3
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) publisher
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                positionName:  NCEI Geomagnetic Modeling Team
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) originator
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                individualName:  Brian Meyer
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) author
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                individualName:  Richard Saltus
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) author
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                individualName:  Arnaud Chulliat
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) author
            presentationForm:  (CI_PresentationFormCode) mapDigital
        abstract:  EMAG2v3 is a global Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid compiled from satellite, ship, and airborne magnetic measurements. It is a significant update of the previous release of the Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid. The resolution remains 2 arc-minutes, and the altitude of 4 km above the geoid is still supported, but an additional product, a grid that is observed at sea-level over oceanic regions, has been produced. New additions grid and track line data have been included, both over land and the oceans. Wherever available, the original shipborne and airborne data were used instead of precompiled oceanic magnetic grids. Interpolation between sparse track lines in the oceans was improved by using a kriging algorithm, which specializes in heterogeneous data distribution gridding, in order to create a compilation as true to the observed data as possible, and avoid using a priori information. The longest wavelengths (>300 km) were replaced with the latests satellite lithosphere magnetic field model, MF7.
        purpose:  Magnetic anomaly maps provide insight into the subsurface structure and composition of the Earth's crust. Over continental areas, magnetic anomalies illuminate geologic, tectonic, and geothermal evolution of crust and lithosphere. In the world's oceans, anomalies trending parallel to the isochrons (lines of equal age) reveal the temporal evolution of oceanic crust. Magnetic maps are widely used in the geological sciences and in resource exploration.
        status:  (MD_ProgressCode) completed
        status:  (MD_ProgressCode) historicalArchive
        pointOfContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
            organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
            contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                address:  (CI_Address)
                onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  NCEI Contact Information
                    description:  Information for contacts at NCEI.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
            role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
        pointOfContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
            organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
            positionName:  NCEI Geomagnetic Modeling Team
            contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                address:  (CI_Address)
            role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
        resourceMaintenance:  (MD_MaintenanceInformation)
            maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency:  (MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode) asNeeded
        graphicOverview:  (MD_BrowseGraphic)
            fileDescription:  EMAG2v3 showing the west coast of the United States and Canada. The stripes are magnetic lineations due to sea-floor spreading.
            fileType:  png
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Earth Science > Solid Earth > Geomagnetism > Magnetic Field
            keyword:  Earth Science > Solid Earth > Geomagnetism > Magnetic Intensity
            keyword:  Earth Science > Solid Earth > Geomagnetism > Magnetic Anomalies
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) theme
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Geographic Region > Global
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) place
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
            keyword:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC > National Geophysical Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) dataCentre
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Data Center Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            accessConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            useConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_Constraints)
            useLimitation:  Produced by the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Not subject to copyright protection within the United States.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_Constraints)
            useLimitation:  Not to be used for navigation. Although these data are of high quality and useful for planning and modeling purposes, they are not suitable for navigation. For navigation, please refer to the NOS nautical chart series.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            useLimitation:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Cite as: Brian Meyer; Richard Saltus; and Arnaud Chulliat. 2017: EMAG2v3: Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (2-arc-minute resolution). Version 3. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Accessed [date].
        aggregationInfo:  (MD_AggregateInformation)
            aggregateDataSetName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Derivation and Error Analysis of the Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid at 2 Arc-Minute Resolution Version 3 (EMAG2v3)
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2017-12-19
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                      Anchor:  DOI doi:10.1002/2017GC007280
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) publisher
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Derivation and Error Analysis of the Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid at 2 Arc-Minute Resolution Version 3 (EMAG2v3)
                            description:  A science paper about the construction and evaluation of the Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid 2 Arc-Minute Resolution Version 3
            associationType:  (DS_AssociationTypeCode) crossReference
            initiativeType:  (DS_InitiativeTypeCode) sciencePaper
        spatialRepresentationType:  (MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode) grid
        language:  eng; USA
        topicCategory:  (MD_TopicCategoryCode) geoscientificInformation
        extent:  (EX_Extent)
            geographicElement:  (EX_GeographicBoundingBox)
                westBoundLongitude:  0
                eastBoundLongitude:  360
                southBoundLatitude:  -90
                northBoundLatitude:  90
            temporalElement:  (EX_TemporalExtent)
                    beginPosition:  1946-01-01
                    endPosition:  2014-02-20
return to top
    contentInfo:  (MI_CoverageDescription)
          RecordType:  Grid Cell
        contentType:  (MD_CoverageContentTypeCode) modelResult
        dimension:  (MD_Band)
            descriptor:  Magnetic Anomaly
              Real:  8632
              Real:  -3380
                identifier:  nanoTesla
        rangeElementDescription:  (MI_RangeElementDescription)
            name:  Empty Grid Cell
            definition:  Representation of grid cell with no measurement value.
              Record:  99999
return to top
    distributionInfo:  (MD_Distribution)
        distributor:  (MD_Distributor)
            distributorContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                    address:  (CI_Address)
                    onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                        name:  NCEI Contact Information
                        description:  Information for contacts at NCEI.
                        function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) distributor
            distributionOrderProcess:  (MD_StandardOrderProcess)
                fees:  In most cases, electronic downloads of the data are free. However, fees may apply for custom orders, data certifications, copies of analog materials, and data distribution on physical media.
                orderingInstructions:  Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions.
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  XYZ/Zip
                version:  Version 3
                specification:  Comma delimited ASCII grid that contains i and j grid indicies, latitude and longitude cell centered location information, magnetic anomalies at a consistent 4km elevation, magnetic anomalies at sea level over oceanic regions, anomaly source grid code, and an error estimate for each cell.
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  ASCII TXT
                version:  Version 3
                specification:  An ASCII text file which describes the format of the CSV data grid.
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  PNG
                version:  Version 3
                specification:  Full Resolution Map of EMAG2v3 as a poster at a consistent 4km altitude
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  PNG
                version:  Version 3
                specification:  Full Resolution Map of EMAG2v3 as a poster at sea level over oceanic regions
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  KMZ
                version:  Version 3
                specification:  Plugin for Google Earth of EMAG2v3 as a poster at a consistent 4km altitude with data gaps filled with MF7. Requires installation of Google Earth.
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  GIS TIFF
                version:  Version 3
                specification:  A georeferenced TIFF (GeoTIFF) for EMAG2v3, where the altitude is 4km altitude above continental regions and sea level over oceanic regions, with a resolution of 2 arc-minutes, which can be opened by ESRI ArcGIS or any other GIS application. The values (nT) are stored as 32-bit floating point.
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  PNG
                version:  Version 3
                specification:  Full Resolution Map of EMAG2v3 codes to designate which grid is primarily responsible for the anomaly value for each cell
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  PNG
                version:  Version 3
                specification:  Full Resolution Map of EMAG2v3 estimates of the error in nanoTesla for each cell
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  HTTPS
                    name:  Metadata Landing Page
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  HTTPS
                    name:  Home Page
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  EMAG2v3 ASCII CSV data file
                    description:  Zip file containing the comma delimited ASCII grid that contains i and j grid indicies, latitude and longitude cell centered location information, magnetic anomalies at a consistent 4km elevation, sea level over oceanic regions, anomaly source grid code, and an error estimate for each cell.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  EMAG2v3 Format Description
                    description:  ASCII text file that contains format description of the EMAG2v3 CSV data file.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  EMAG2v3 Full Resolution Map of Upward Continued Anomalies
                    description:  PNG of EMAG2v3 as a poster at a consistent 4km altitude.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  EMAG2v3 Full Resolution Map of Sea Level Anomalies
                    description:  PNG of EMAG2v3 as a poster at sea level over oceanic regions.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  Upward Continued Google Earth Image
                    description:  KMZ plugin for Google Earth of EMAG2v3 as a poster at a consistent 4km altitude with data gaps filled with MF7 values. Requires installation of Google Earth.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  Upward Continued GIS TIFF
                    description:  A georeferenced TIFF (GeoTIFF) for EMAG2v3, where the altitude is at a consistent 4km altitude, with a resolution of 2 arc-minutes, which can be opened by ESRI ArcGIS or any other GIS application. The values (nT) are stored as 32-bit floating point.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  Sea Level GIS TIFF
                    description:  A georeferenced TIFF (GeoTIFF) for EMAG2v3, where the altitude is at sea level over oceanic regions, with a resolution of 2 arc-minutes, which can be opened by ESRI ArcGIS or any other GIS application. The values (nT) are stored as 32-bit floating point.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  Map of Source Grid Codes
                    description:  PNG of EMAG2v3 codes to designate which grid is primarily responsible for the anomaly value for each cell.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  Map of Estimated Error Values
                    description:  PNG of EMAG2v3 estimates of the error in nanoTesla for each cell.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
return to top
    dataQualityInfo:  (DQ_DataQuality)
        scope:  (DQ_Scope)
            level:  (MD_ScopeCode) repository
            levelDescription:  (MD_ScopeDescription)
                other:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
        lineage:  (LI_Lineage)
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  NOAA created the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) by merging NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), and National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), including the National Coastal Data Development Center (NCDDC), per the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, Public Law 113-235. NCEI launched publicly on April 22, 2015.
                  DateTime:  2015-04-22T00:00:00
return to top
    dataQualityInfo:  (DQ_DataQuality)
        scope:  (DQ_Scope)
            level:  (MD_ScopeCode) model
        lineage:  (LI_Lineage)
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  Trackline data selection. Data needed to report date/time of collection, total observed magnetic field, collected during time where kp < 6o.
                processingInformation:  (LE_Processing)
                    identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                        code:  Processing steps were carried out collectively by the developers of the model.
                    softwareReference:  (CI_Citation)
                        title:  Geosoft Oasis Montaj
                        date:  (CI_Date)
                            date:  2015-10-08
                            dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  From all original ship and airborne measurements: subtracted main and external fields given by the Comprehensive Model 4(Sabaka et al., 2004)
                processingInformation:  (LE_Processing)
                    identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                        code:  Processing steps were carried out collectively by the developers of the model.
                    softwareReference:  (CI_Citation)
                        title:  Geosoft Oasis Montaj
                        date:  (CI_Date)
                            date:  2015-10-08
                            dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  Airborne data downward continued to sea-level
                processingInformation:  (LE_Processing)
                    identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                        code:  Processing steps were carried out collectively by the developers of the model.
                    softwareReference:  (CI_Citation)
                        title:  Geosoft Oasis Montaj
                        date:  (CI_Date)
                            date:  2015-10-08
                            dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  Gridded trackline data using a krigging algorithm. Smoothing was applied where necessary.
                processingInformation:  (LE_Processing)
                    identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                        code:  Processing steps were carried out collectively by the developers of the model.
                    softwareReference:  (CI_Citation)
                        title:  Geosoft Oasis Montaj
                        date:  (CI_Date)
                            date:  2015-10-08
                            dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  Precompiled grids had wavelengths greather than 300km replaced with values from MF7.
                processingInformation:  (LE_Processing)
                    identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                        code:  Processing steps were carried out collectively by the developers of the model.
                    softwareReference:  (CI_Citation)
                        title:  Geosoft Oasis Montaj
                        date:  (CI_Date)
                            date:  2015-10-08
                            dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
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    metadataMaintenance:  (MD_MaintenanceInformation)
        maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency:  (MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode) asNeeded
        maintenanceNote:  Modified for compliance to NCEI Template v1.2.