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BLM/OCS Ecological Investigations of Petroleum Production Platforms in the Central Gulf of Mexico
    fileIdentifier:  gov.noaa.ngdc.mgg.geology:G02895
    hierarchyLevel:  (MD_ScopeCode) dataset
    contact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
        organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
        contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
            address:  (CI_Address)
            onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                name:  NCEI Contact Information
                description:  Information for contacts at NCEI.
                function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
        role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
    dateStamp:  2020-04-21
    metadataStandardName:  ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for Imagery and Gridded Data
    metadataStandardVersion:  ISO 19115-2:2009(E)
return to top
    spatialRepresentationInfo:  (MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation)
        geometricObjects:  (MD_GeometricObjects)
            geometricObjectType:  (MD_GeometricObjectTypeCode) point
return to top
    referenceSystemInfo:  (MD_ReferenceSystem)
        referenceSystemIdentifier:  (RS_Identifier)
            authority:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) Geodetic Parameter Registry
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2008-11-12
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  European Petroleum Survey Group
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  European Petroleum Survey Group Geodetic Parameter Dataset
                            description:  Registry that accesses the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset, which is a structured dataset of Coordinate Reference Systems and Coordinate Transformations.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) search
                    role: (inapplicable)
            code:  urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326
            version:  6.18.3
return to top
    identificationInfo:  (MD_DataIdentification)
        citation:  (CI_Citation)
            title:  BLM/OCS Ecological Investigations of Petroleum Production Platforms in the Central Gulf of Mexico
            date:  (CI_Date)
                date:  1980-03-31
                dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
            date:  (CI_Date)
                date:  1980-03-31
                dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
            edition:  First
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                individualName:  Unknown, contributed through Francis Mitchell of NODC
                organisationName:  Texas A and M University (TAMU)
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) author
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) publisher
            presentationForm:  (CI_PresentationFormCode) tableDigital
            series:  (CI_Series)
                name:  Marine Geology and Geophysics (MGG)
                issueIdentification:  MGG23045001, MGG23045002, MGG23045003, MGG23055001
        abstract:  The Ecological Investigations of Petroleum Production Platforms in the Central Gulf of Mexico Project was conducted by Texas A and M University under contract to NOAA and the Bureau of Land Management under the BLM/OCS Outer Continental Shelf Program. Grain size analyses were produced for 1654 samples collected from May 22, 1978 through January 15, 1979 by the ships Sea Transporter and T-Kip IV in the central Gulf of Mexico. Analyses were contributed in the historic 073 format. Data include collecting institution, ship, cruise, sample id, latitude/longitude, date of collection, water depth, sampling device, method of analysis, sample weight, sampled interval, raw weight percentages of sediment, within a given phi range. Some samples also have percentages of total gravel, sand, silt, clay, and statistical measurements such as mean, median, skewness, kurtosis, and standard deviation of grain size. These data are part of the larger NGDC digital grain size database.
        purpose:  environmental research
        credit:  Texas A and M University with funding from NOAA and BLM.
        status:  (MD_ProgressCode) completed
        status:  (MD_ProgressCode) historicalArchive
        pointOfContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
            organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
            contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                address:  (CI_Address)
                onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    name:  NCEI Contact Information
                    description:  Information for contacts at NCEI.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
            role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
        pointOfContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
            organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
            positionName:  Marine Geology Data Manager
            contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                address:  (CI_Address)
                    deliveryPoint:  325 Broadway, Mail Code E/NE42
                    city:  Boulder
                    administrativeArea:  CO
                    postalCode:  80305-3328
                    country:  USA
            role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
        resourceMaintenance:  (MD_MaintenanceInformation)
            maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency:  (MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode) notPlanned
            maintenanceNote:  Completed data set, no additions planned.
        graphicOverview:  (MD_BrowseGraphic)
            fileDescription:  sample locations in study area
            fileType:  GIF
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  OCS > Outer Continental Shelf Program
            keyword:  ICSU-WDS > International Council for Science - World Data System
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) project
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Project Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
              Anchor: OCS-CENTRAL GULF
            keyword:  OCS-CENTRAL GULF
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) project
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  NODC PROJECT NAMES THESAURUS
                date: (inapplicable)
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Scientific archives
            keyword:  Electronic records
            keyword:  Oceanography
            keyword:  Ocean bottom
            keyword:  Geology
            keyword:  Submarine geology
            keyword:  Marine sediments
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) theme
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Library of Congress Subject Headings
                date: (unknown)
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  US Library of Congress
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  http
                            applicationProfile:  web browser
                            name:  Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
                            description:  The Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) are part of a Linked Data Service, actively maintained since 1898 to catalog materials held at the Library of Congress.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) resourceProvider
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Marine geology
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) theme
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  SeaDataNet Common Vocabularies
                date: (unknown)
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  SeaDataNet
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  http
                            applicationProfile:  web browser
                            name:  SeaDataNet Common Vocabularies
                            description:  The SeaDataNet Vocabulary Server is populated with lists describing a wide range of entities relevant to marine metadata and data such as parameters, sea area names, platform classes, instrument types, and so on.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) resourceProvider
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Sea-floor characteristics
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) theme
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  USGS Science Topics
                date: (unknown)
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  US Geological Survey
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  http
                            applicationProfile:  web browser
                            name:  USGS Thesaurus
                            description:  The USGS Thesaurus contains thematic terms for categorizing information resources intended to support finding and understanding scientific information.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) resourceProvider
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Earth Science > Oceans > Marine Sediments
            keyword:  Earth Science > Paleoclimate > Ocean/Lake Records > Sediments
            keyword:  Earth Science > Oceans > Marine Sediments > Sedimentary Textures
            keyword:  Earth Science > Oceans > Marine Environment Monitoring
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) theme
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  In Situ Ocean-based Platforms > Ships
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) platform
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platform Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Corers > Coring Devices
            keyword:  In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Samplers > Grabbers/Traps/Collectors > Grab Samplers
            keyword:  In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Corers > Sediment Corers
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) instrument
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
            keyword:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC > National Geophysical Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) dataCenter
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Data Center Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN > GULF OF MEXICO
            keyword:  Vertical Location >Sea Floor
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) place
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            accessConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            useConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            useLimitation:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Cite as: Unknown, contributed through Francis Mitchell of NODC. 1980: BLM/OCS Ecological Investigations of Petroleum Production Platforms in the Central Gulf of Mexico. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Accessed [date].
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_Constraints)
            useLimitation:  Produced by the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Not subject to copyright protection within the United States.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            useConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_SecurityConstraints)
            classification:  (MD_ClassificationCode) unclassified
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            accessConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Access to this dataset is unrestricted.
        aggregationInfo:  (MD_AggregateInformation)
            aggregateDataSetName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  The NGDC Seafloor Sediment Grain Size Database
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  1976-12-31
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                      Anchor:  DOI doi:10.7289/V5G44N6W
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) author
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName: (inapplicable)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                            applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                            name:  Related database (doi:10.7289/V5G44N6W)
                            description:  This database contains related grain size data.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role: (inapplicable)
                otherCitationDetails:  National Geophysical Data Center (1976): The NGDC Seafloor Sediment Grain Size Database. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. doi:10.7289/V5G44N6W
            associationType:  (DS_AssociationTypeCode) crossReference
            initiativeType:  (DS_InitiativeTypeCode) project
        aggregationInfo:  (MD_AggregateInformation)
            aggregateDataSetName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  NCEI Marine Geology Data Archive
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  1977-12-31
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode)
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) resourceProvider
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName: (inapplicable)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                            applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                            name:  Parent Archive
                            description:  Information about the Marine Geology Data Archive at NCEI.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role: (inapplicable)
            associationType:  (DS_AssociationTypeCode) largerWorkCitation
            initiativeType:  (DS_InitiativeTypeCode) collection
        aggregationInfo:  (MD_AggregateInformation)
            aggregateDataSetName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  NOAA/NCEI Marine Geology WAF
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2015-10-05
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode)
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) author
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName: (inapplicable)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                            applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                            name:  Marine geology metadata records.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) search
                    role: (inapplicable)
            associationType:  (DS_AssociationTypeCode) crossReference
            initiativeType:  (DS_InitiativeTypeCode) collection
        spatialRepresentationType:  (MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode) vector
        spatialResolution: (missing)  (MD_Resolution)
            levelOfDetail:  Vertical resolution is 1 meter and horizontal resolution is .001 degree.
          LanguageCode:  eng; USA
        characterSet:  (MD_CharacterSetCode) UTF8
        topicCategory:  (MD_TopicCategoryCode) geoscientificInformation
        topicCategory:  (MD_TopicCategoryCode) oceans
        environmentDescription:  Native Dataset Environment: ASCII text
        extent:  (EX_Extent)
            description:  Central Gulf of Mexico
            geographicElement:  (EX_GeographicBoundingBox)
                westBoundLongitude:  -91.45
                eastBoundLongitude:  -89.673
                southBoundLatitude:  28.45
                northBoundLatitude:  29.2
            temporalElement:  (EX_TemporalExtent)
                    description:  Sampling Dates
                    beginPosition:  1978-05-22
                    endPosition:  1979-01-15
            verticalElement:  (EX_VerticalExtent)
                  Real:  -32
                  Real:  -12
                verticalCRS: (missing)
        supplementalInformation:  The data set consists of four parts: 1) MGG23045001, 488 samples from Sea Transporter cruise I, May 22 - June 1, 1978, 2) MGG23045002, 245 samples from Sea Transporter cruise IIC September 20-22, 1978, 3) MGG23045003, 360 samples from Sea Transporter cruise III January 6-15, 1979, and 4) MGG23055001, 561 samples from the T-Kip IV, cruise IIA August 20-27, 1978.
return to top
    contentInfo:  (MD_CoverageDescription)
          RecordType:  The Latitude and Longitude (point) from which a sample of sediment or rock was collected from the sea floor or a lakebed.
        contentType:  (MD_CoverageContentTypeCode) point
        dimension:  (MD_Band)
                aName:  Latitude
                attributeType: (unknown)
            descriptor:  Distance measured north or south from the equator. Distance north is positive, distance south is negative.
              Real:  90.00000
              Real:  -90.00000
                identifier:  decimal degrees
                name:  decimal degrees
        dimension:  (MD_Band)
                aName:  Longitude
                attributeType: (unknown)
            descriptor:  Longitude is measured from the Prime Meridian (which is the north/south line that runs through Greenwich, England), values measured east are positive and values measured west are negative.
              Real:  180.00000
              Real:  -180.00000
                identifier:  decimal degrees
                name:  decimal degrees
return to top
    contentInfo:  (MD_CoverageDescription)
          RecordType:  Information about the location from which a sample of sediment or rock was collected from the sea floor or a lakebed.
        contentType:  (MD_CoverageContentTypeCode) physicalMeasurement
        dimension:  (MD_Band)
                aName:  Water Depth Meters
                attributeType: (unknown)
            descriptor:  The depth from the surface of the water to the sea floor or lakebed at the location where a measurement was taken or sample collection was begun.
              Real:  23000
              Real:  0
                identifier:  corrected meters
                name:  corrected meters
return to top
    contentInfo:  (MD_CoverageDescription)
          RecordType:  Weight percent of particles within a specified size range.
        contentType:  (MD_CoverageContentTypeCode) physicalMeasurement
        dimension:  (MD_Band)
                aName:  weight percent
                attributeType: (unknown)
            descriptor:  Percentage, by weight, of the particles from a sample or subsample that falls within a specified particle size range. The range may be expressed in milimeters or phi as inidcated in the dataset.
              Real:  0
              Real:  100
            units: (unknown)
return to top
    contentInfo:  (MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription)
        complianceCode:  false
        includedWithDataset:  true
        featureCatalogueCitation:  (CI_Citation)
            title:  Documentation
            date:  (CI_Date)
                date:  1979-01-01
                dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) creation
            otherCitationDetails:  Entities and attributes are completely described in a text file accompanying the dataset on download.
return to top
    distributionInfo:  (MD_Distribution)
        distributor:  (MD_Distributor)
            distributorContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                    address:  (CI_Address)
                    onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                        name:  NCEI Contact Information
                        description:  Information for contacts at NCEI.
                        function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) distributor
            distributionOrderProcess:  (MD_StandardOrderProcess)
                fees:  In most cases, electronic downloads of the data are free. However, fees may apply for custom orders, data certifications, copies of analog materials, and data distribution on physical media.
                orderingInstructions:  Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions.
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  ASCII
                version:  UTF-8
                specification:  American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) text format.
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
                name:  tar.gz
                version:  unknown
                specification:  compressed tape archive (tar) file
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                    applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                    name:  Metadata Landing Page
                    description:  Information about the data set, all access options, and complete documentation.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                    applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                    name:  Data files and documentation
                    description:  Original grainsize data and documentation for Sea Transporter I (MGG23045001), Sea Transporter II-C (MGG23045002), Sea Transporter III (MGG23045003), and T-Kip IV II-A (MGG23055001) in the fixed-field 073 format.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                    applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                    name:  Database extract MGG23045001
                    description:  Download data for Sea Transporter I (MGG23045001) in delimited form from the NGDC Seafloor Sediment Grain Size Database.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                    applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                    name:  Database extract MGG23045002
                    description:  Download grain size data for Sea Transporter II-C (MGG23045002) in delimited form from the NGDC Seafloor Sediment Grain Size Database.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                    applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                    name:  Database extract MGG23045003
                    description:  Download grain size data for Sea Transporter III (MGG23045003) in delimited form from the NGDC Seafloor Sediment Grain Size Database.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
            distributorTransferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
                    applicationProfile:  Web Browser
                    name:  Database extract MGG23055001
                    description:  Download grain size data for T-Kip IV II-A (MGG23055001) in delimited form from the NGDC Seafloor Sediment Grain Size Database.
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
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    dataQualityInfo:  (DQ_DataQuality)
        scope:  (DQ_Scope)
            level:  (MD_ScopeCode) dataset
            extent:  #boundingExtent
            levelDescription:  (MD_ScopeDescription)
                dataset:  gov.noaa.ngdc.mgg.geology:G02895
        report:  (DQ_AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy)
            nameOfMeasure:  Horizontal Positional Accuracy
            measureDescription: (unknown)
            evaluationMethodDescription:  The horizontal accuracy of data values is approximately .001 degree of latitude/longitude.
            result: (unknown)
        report:  (DQ_QuantitativeAttributeAccuracy)
            nameOfMeasure:  Reliability
            measureDescription: (unknown)
            evaluationMethodDescription:  Quality control was performed by the originator. NCEI performed basic out-of-range location testing.
            result: (unknown)
        lineage:  (LI_Lineage)
            statement:  These data were contributed by the originator to NOAA's former National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) and may be part of a larger compilation archived as oceanographic data by NCEI. A total of 10,340 records in the 073 grain size format were received, 3,065 (488 samples Sea Transporter I); 3,505 (561 samples T-Kip IV II-A); 1,537 (245 samples Sea Transporter II-C); 2,233 (360 samples Sea Transporter III).
            processStep:  (LI_ProcessStep)
                description:  From 1975 through the 1980s, most sediment data collected as part of offshore environmental baseline and/or habitat studies were part of a suite of measurements sent to NODC or NODC liasons. NODC data managers, primarily Francis Mitchel, then sent the sediment-related data (e.g., physical properties, composition, geochemstry, mineralogy) to the former NGDC as the authoritative archive and distribution point for sediment data. Many sediment analyses and descriptions, however, were maintained by NODC as benthic habitat data, and some additional sediment data were duplicated between the NODC and NGDC archives.
                  DateTime:  1980-03-31T00:00:00
            source:  (LI_Source)
                description:  Texas A and M University (TAMU)
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    dataQualityInfo:  (DQ_DataQuality)
        scope:  (DQ_Scope)
            level:  (MD_ScopeCode) repository
            levelDescription:  (MD_ScopeDescription)
                other:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
        lineage:  (LI_Lineage)
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  NOAA created the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) by merging NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), and National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), including the National Coastal Data Development Center (NCDDC), per the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, Public Law 113-235. NCEI launched publicly on April 22, 2015.
                  DateTime:  2015-04-22T00:00:00
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    metadataMaintenance:  (MD_MaintenanceInformation)
        maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency:  (MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode) asNeeded
        maintenanceNote:  Modified for compliance to NCEI Template v1.2.
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    acquisitionInformation:  (MI_AcquisitionInformation)
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  In Situ/Laboratory Instruments
            type:  instrument
            description:  Instrument Type: Sea floor and lakebed geologic sampling (coring, drilling, dredging, trawling, and/or grab sampling devices) and/or in situ measurements (cameras, visual observations, and/or recorders/loggers)
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (RS_Identifier)
                code:  Sea Transporter
            description: (unknown)
            instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
                identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                    code:  In Situ/Laboratory Instruments
                type:  instrument
                description:  Instrument Type: Sea floor and lakebed geologic sampling (coring, drilling, dredging, trawling, and/or grab sampling devices) and/or in situ measurements (cameras, visual observations, and/or recorders/loggers)
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (RS_Identifier)
                code:  T-Kip IV
            description: (unknown)
            instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
                identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                    code:  In Situ/Laboratory Instruments
                type:  instrument
                description:  Instrument Type: Sea floor and lakebed geologic sampling (coring, drilling, dredging, trawling, and/or grab sampling devices) and/or in situ measurements (cameras, visual observations, and/or recorders/loggers)